テート・ギャラリーのインスタグラム(tate) - 1月22日 22時39分

Our #TatePostcard today is a reminder of Lynette Yiadom Boakye's exhibition at Tate Britain which Cherry @cherryhassett enjoyed before the galleries closed.

'I would like to dedicate this painting by Lynette Yiadom-Boakye to my daughter Jas in New York, who I can't wait to see when the time comes. All the time I walked around this wonderful exhibition, I thought of Jas and how excited she would be to see it. I love Lynette's strong brush and powerful evocation of place and emotion. She captures the essence of childrens' joy in nature, especially by the sea. This painting reminded me of our many times when Jas and her brother were young and we visited family in Cornwall. It's so good to share that sense of wonder when you meet a whole body of an artist's work for the first time. It's like a celebration of life and love. On Jas' return to London we will head to Tate and celebrate everything we have missed.'

This one's for you @jasminehassett, 💌 we can't wait to welcome you both back.

@lynetteyiadomboakye, Condor And The Mole 2011, Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre (London, UK) © Lynette Yiadom-Boakye

While our galleries are closed, read all about Yiadom-Boakye's paintings and process by clicking the link in our bio.


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