thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 1月15日 08時47分

Photo by @Gerd Ludwig Wearing the local costume—a dying custom in modern times—a villager in the Schwalm area of Germany kneads large heaps of sourdough. They will later be taken to the nearby communal bakehouse, where they will become huge, crusty loaves of delicious bread.

Starting this Sunday, I will be teaching a six and a half day virtual workshop (spanning 12 days). The workshop, “The Art of Storytelling,” is geared toward both professional and committed amateur photographers who have the desire to take their photography to the next level. The workshop is held in conjunction with George Nobechi, a Tokyo-based photographer and creative director. A couple of slots are still available.

To learn more about the workshop go to @nobechicreative and follow the link in the bio.

@nobechicreative #photoworkshop #storytelling #Schwalm #Germany #sourdough


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