ニーナ・メルセデスのインスタグラム(lifewithmariza) - 7月12日 07時44分

Yesterday I did a live and I was really taken back at the questions guys were asking. Mostly about what I look for in a man. I had to explain I’m not looking, I’m currently in an entanglement. 😂
I’m actually just focused on my business and my goals. But let’s be clear I’m not attracted to the physical I’m attracted to your mentality. How deep can our conversations go. I’m attracted to how a man thinks not to his body or his wallet. I need to connect on an emotional level in order to feel anything intimate.
I’ve meet a lot of beautiful people with the ugliest mindset. I think as humans we need to heal ourselves or at least start to do the work on us before bringing another person into the picture.

Relationships are toxic when they are based on a need or only a physical attraction. Becauuuuussseeee I don’t wake up looking like this. And if you are only attracted to this they you’ll be real disappointed when real life kicks in. 😂
5 things I find attractive
1. Mindset (How you react and how you think)
2. Conversation (How deep can we go)
3. Drive, Ambition, Goals (Make you you have these please)
4. How you treat others (Your mom, dad, or kids) a man that treats his mom good is gold.
5. Hygiene (How clean is your body, your home, and your car)
What are you attracted to and what turns you off when it comes to a partner?
I’m SapioSexual - a person who finds intelligence sexually attractive or arousing. I am also Demisexual - sexually attracted to people only after a strong emotional bond has been formed. (Reasons I’ve only been in long term relationships.)
#sapiosexual #demisexual


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