ニーナ・メルセデスのインスタグラム(lifewithmariza) - 7月6日 06時46分

Medicine can be found within you. I was sick for years the doctors kept giving me more and more prescriptions. I got more sick and it soon started to affect who I was and how I showed up as a person. My mind became sick, I had no energy and there was a fog in my mind.

I was on 3 different medications diagnosed hypothyroid. At almost 160 pounds the doctors said your medicine is so strong you are now hyperthyroid according to your test results.

A chain of events happened and I met some amazing people all at once. I had one of the most amazing conversations with Dan Holtz in LA. A few days later I met @malibumeditations who introduced me to Grandfather Tobacco and taught me a deeper meditation. I also met my mentor @lizedlich

The common conversation was if you heal your mind first your body will follow. I had to radically change my diet to a plant based one with only seafood, no meat. I had to do shadow work and forgive myself for things I carried for years. I had to let go of trying to control my life because I’m not in control. Within that I learned what my life purpose was. Everything led back to learning that plants are medicine.

I got off my western medication against the Dr orders. (I’m not suggesting this I’m only sharing my journey.) The combination of everything I did my plant based diet (which wasn’t hard using plant based meal replacement shakes), mediation, using tobacco in the form of rap’e to heal my soul, and feeding my mind by surrounding myself with positive women. Thank you @norareynoso
I healed my thyroid and for the last year I have never felt better.

The medicine you need is sometimes within you. You have to heal your soul and emotions because holding all that in destroys your body. Your mind is so powerful my love, belief is everything.

Sharing how to heal with plants is my calling. I feel so blessed to be able to share my medicine with the world. Trust your instincts, listen to that inner voice, and walk with no fear. Tap into your spirituality and let your light shine. Go back to yourself!

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