ローラ・オスのインスタグラム(lauraosnes) - 6月16日 09時19分

I've been in the business for 20 years. I have more often than not been the only black woman in the room where I was clearly there to "check a box"....aka "the token". I've been to many black women's dance calls to fill the one spot they forgot to cast during the initial auditions. I have more stories than I can count of racism and micro-aggressions, but I'll just stick with this one..for now.
The first day of rehearsal for a Broadway show we began setting the opening number. The choreographer called out all of the white ensemble woman in the cast and began to pair them with male partners. He left me and the other woman of color, who was Asian, sitting on the sideline. He then walks over to us, hands us serving trays and proceeds to point us to the tables we would be moving as the waitstaff in the number. The white women, being elevated in lifts, were playing invited guests at a wedding as the women of color played " the help". As I am writing this, I'm realizing how ironic it is that this scene paints a perfect picture of how BIPOC are often treated in this industry. We do the labor in order to help elevate the people invited to the table.

I want to see us at the table. Not just a sprinkle, but A LOT of us. I'm no longer open to being treated like a prop, a frame on the outside of your desired aesthetic or an afterthought in the casting process. I'm not interested in being plugged in like the lone Black chess piece in your "diversity game." Even in chess you can have multiple Black Queens on the board.
#keepsharingthemic #passthemicbroadway #womenofbroadway
#theaterincolor @traceebeazerbarrett


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