Michelle Lewinのインスタグラム(michelle_lewin) - 10月7日 02時24分

The Sunday routine:
-I cook what I want, I eat what I want... and my body does ALL the talking💃🏼 INTERESTING FACT: 🥞🍟Sunday is my day when I take a half day to eat WHATEVER I want. If you keep a strict diet for 6,5 days, your body (and mind) needs a break. Keeping a very strict diet without any changes will decrease the desired effect of all your efforts, and your body will adapt to the strict diet and respond differently. Once in a while you MUST shock your body with a huge amount of carbs and fat (preferable good carbs and fats, but that's all up to you). If you have issues knowing what to eat, how to prepare the food, how to meal plan... well, then my individual plans (created for your needs and goals) and my hundreds of healthy recipes in the app MEALPLAN is going to be your best investment EVER for your healthy lifestyle. Link to MEALPLAN in my website in the bio.
Download NOW, and take (free) look inside how it works.

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