アンジェラ・磨紀・バーノンのインスタグラム(angelamakivernon) - 10月1日 06時19分

I’ve been dreaming about getting barreled at Cloudbreak for the past year.

There were doubts in my mind because I thought it was scary. But I was not about to let fear stop me. I was committed and persistent to accomplish my goal to get barreled there. After multiple attempts, I wasn’t about to let fear take control.

And as my reward, I got to see the magic of Cloudbreak behind the blue curtain!! Golden rays of sunshine pierced through the translucent blue lip line cascading over my head. The reef below me was closer and more colorful than I’ve ever seen. And as I came out I was greeted by my awesome friends who were cheering me on! I was filled with JOY from head to toe.

Thank you God for all the beautiful connections you’ve gifted me, to all the people that encouraged me in the water and supported me, #theboysofnamotu #alexgray, to the wonderful people on Namotu, and to all of my sponsors! #dovewetsuits #localmotion #pualani #nixon #beachculture999
Without you, I would have never experienced such a magical moment.
Vinaka Vaka LeVu✨💗🌴
.. 一年間Cloudbreakでのチューブを夢に見てやっと訪れた機会。覚悟は決めていたけれどもゴーーーっと大きな音と共に目の前で割れるパワフルな4-6ftの波にインサイドにはシャープな浅いリーフ。実際にCloudbreakのポイントに座っているだけで心臓がバクバク!恐怖が先に立ちなかなか波に乗る事が出来なかったけれども、諦めない気持ちがfear/怖さを成功に変えてくれました。


こんなにも素晴らしい機会を与えてくれた海の中で私を応援してくれたお友達、Namotuの素晴らしい人々、スポンサーの皆さん: Local Motion, Nixon, Destination, DOVE, Pualani, 心から感謝しています🥰 ..
#namotu #stoked #barrel #cloudbreak #surf #givingthanks #joy #god #thebestwave #connection #サーフィン #フィジー #成功への道 #感謝 #最高な瞬間 #fiji #アンジェラマキバーノン #gd_photo


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



