アンジェラ・磨紀・バーノンのインスタグラム(angelamakivernon) - 7月8日 17時15分
@madeinhawaiitv 🤙🏼
Made in Hawaii TVではオアフ島のあらゆる所へ行き”今”のHawai’iをお届けしています。
お洋服はHawai’iを感じられるローカルブランド @fightingeel 🤙🏼
I’ve been hosting a TV show called @madeinhawaiitv for about 5 years. Before that I was hosting several TV shows that also showcased Hawai’i.
I truly enjoy what I do and the reason I keep doing what I love is because it’s a way for me to show my appreciation and love towards Hawai’i and its people.
When I moved here after high school, I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life, but Hawai’i, in all it’s beauty and aloha showed me to know what my purpose in life was. That’s why it is very important for me to give back to Hawai’i in meaningful ways and being a host for the TV show is one way of doing so.
I try to support local businesses through the show and keep secret beaches secret🤫
I wear a lovely local brand @fightingeel on the show so if you see me wearing a great outfit, you know where to go!
You could watch this show in Japan on J:COM, inflight tv on Hawaiian Airlines and Hotel channels in Hawai’i.
#ハワイ #givingback #aloha
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