レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 9月8日 04時56分

My girl❤️ ⁣

Every morning she wakes up and the first thing she does is put on this hat. Backwards. If it falls off she gets very upset but doesn’t allow me to put it back on - apparently daddy is the only one who knows how the hat is supposed to go (probably true). She sings to herself in the morning when she wakes up. Puts sentences together. Asks for “vatten - awa- vatten” (water in Swedish and Papiamento). Makes me chase her when it’s time to get dressed. Laughs, all the time. Throws herself on the floor for no apparent reason and refuses to get up, all the time. Still doesn’t know how to climb. Still eats anything you put on a plate in front of her. She loves dinosaurs and cars and Peppa Pig. In a few days she’ll be a year and a half! Little moon. I want her to stay little forever? (but at the same time the growing up part just gets better and better)❤️ @loving.lealuna #lealuna #littlemoon #sharkbaby #toddler #love


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