レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 11月18日 02時08分

imagine describing the actual inherent characteristics of a child - any child! most children! - and only seeing a diagnose.

what if instead of questioning our children’s inability to sit still for hours a day, we started questioning the system that forces them to? when you are 6 years old, or 7, or 8 and beyond, is it natural to spend so much of the day sitting indoors on a hard chair, paying attention to things that may not interest you while having your abilities measured by institutions that don’t even know you?

I question this constantly.

children don’t need to change. society does. what if instead of being so quick to diagnose and prescribe medication, parents were encouraged to give their children more time spent in fresh air and sunshine? what if instead of looking at them as misbehaved, we let them move their bodies as much as they intuitively want to (which is lots!)? what would happen if we nourished them with real foods, encouraged them to read books, set strong boundaries around screens, let them be bored once in a while, exposed them to the everyday wonders of nature, and above all, just showered them with closeness and love? what if we celebrated children of all ages for the beautiful characteristics that are not only normal but absolutely crucial for their development and age?

just some thoughts… from the mother of an absolutely average, healthy 6-year old that rarely sits still🧡

I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments - I know I’m not alone here 🙏#parenting #motherhood #nature


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