タリブ・クウェリのインスタグラム(talibkweli) - 8月28日 06時51分

This is a pic of @majtoure from #blackgunsmatter with Gavin McInnes, the founder of the Proud Boys. The Proud Boys is a violent white supremacist hate group. They call themselves “western chauvinists” and they were instrumental in the organization of the Unite The Right rally. The one where Nazis marched and killed Heather Heyer. This “Maj Toure” came to harass me on twitter at the request of a white woman. His twitter account is currently locked due to his threats against me. This “Maj Toure” claims he is pro black but if you go to his IG page right now you see him posting screenshots of my wife talking about going to therapy. Rather than address why he hangs out with Tomi Lahren, Sheriff Clarke and white supremacist cult leaders, he goes after my wife. This is not a man who respects black ppl or women. And if you stand with him you are my enemy.


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