ニューヨーク近代美術館のインスタグラム(themuseumofmodernart) - 6月25日 02時53分

“I knew how to sew—as I said, it came from being the drag queen that couldn’t afford the clothes I liked so I had to make them all. That translated, because I was in San Francisco in the early ’70s, into being the guy that would make banners for protest marches. I was in the army and got out in 1972 and that became my role, if you will. My craft became my activism.”
–Gilbert Baker, designer of the Rainbow Flag
Happy #Pride from MoMA! Celebrate the contributions of LGBTQ+ artists with our staff members' #MoMACollection picks at mo.ma/pride (link in bio)

[The Rainbow Flag waving in the wind at San Francisco’s Castro District. Photo: Benson Kua. Image used through Wikimedia Commons]


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