玄米さん、逝きました。満7歳。 僕の渡米と合わせるようにして猫エイズと白血病の末期症状を発症。三宅商店やSATOKENのみんなが、懸命にできる限りのお世話をしてくれました。40日間の闘病の末に、これ以上ないくらい痩せ細った身体で雨の夜の中に姿を消して逝きました。翌日、草むらの中で、びしょ濡れで発見された玄米さんの亡骸の写真は、大地に叩きつけられた命の染みのようでした。僕のお腹の上でスヤスヤと最後を迎えさせてやれなかったことは心残りですが、今はしっかりと僕の胸の中に居ます。 震災の年の6月、移住先の沖縄で出逢った猫さんでした。命の儚さと、大切さがひとしお意味を増した震災後の暮らしの中で、小さな命の灯火の象徴であり、やんばるのジャングルで自由に育った野性は、僕らと自然界を媒介してくれる存在でもありました。2度の選挙で激変した僕の人生の、一番ハードな時期を支えてくれました。 玄米さんの思い出を分かち合う全ての皆さんに、御礼申し上げます。 ありがとうございました。写真:仁礼博 My cat Genmai(means brownrice) died last night. She was 7years old. Just after i arrived at California in the end of April, i got a news from Japan that she had a leukemia & FIV. It was going to finalstage. 40days of survival, she couldn't eat at last and fadeaway in the rainy night. My buddys found her body in the morning. I moved to Okinawa from Tokyo 3days after Fukushima disaster. I was devorced but took my 6years daughter and exwife. But i couldn’t make them understand the risks about going back Tokyo, media or government announced again and again "it’s almost safe.don’t be nervous”,and 3weeks after they decide to back in their usual days. I was alone in Okinawa. Then friends in Yomitan was looking for a new owner of 1month tiny cat she had been thrown away by mother cat maybe because of her weakness. “Hey yohei, you should take her to your home.” That was the first time to have a cat in my life. It was more than 7years for me and she. Got 2times general election as a candidate (to change Japan),i became famous as a POLITICIAN(no way),had 1album and many tours, build up Organic shop, moved to Okayama(my roots place)..and so on. She always saved our house, gave love to we staffs, and waiting for me coming back from tours. It was easy to remember how long passed from EastJapanEarhquake by her age cause she was born in that year. She was a kind of symbol of “life” for me. A small, tiny, soft, sharp, wild, and lovely existence taught me many things. My friends buried her body under the KAKI tree in our farm. She died in a rainy dark night alone, maybe looking for me, but now i can feel her soul in my mind, want to celebrate her eternity peace. Thank you to all who share the memories of her. R.I.P. Genmai

miyake_yoheiさん(@miyake_yohei)が投稿した動画 -

三宅洋平のインスタグラム(miyake_yohei) - 6月9日 05時18分

My cat Genmai(means brownrice) died last night. She was 7years old. Just after i arrived at California in the end of April, i got a news from Japan that she had a leukemia & FIV. It was going to finalstage. 40days of survival, she couldn't eat at last and fadeaway in the rainy night. My buddys found her body in the morning.
I moved to Okinawa from Tokyo 3days after Fukushima disaster. I was devorced but took my 6years daughter and exwife. But i couldn’t make them understand the risks about going back Tokyo, media or government announced again and again "it’s almost safe.don’t be nervous”,and 3weeks after they decide to back in their usual days.
I was alone in Okinawa. Then friends in Yomitan was looking for a new owner of 1month tiny cat she had been thrown away by mother cat maybe because of her weakness. “Hey yohei, you should take her to your home.” That was the first time to have a cat in my life.
It was more than 7years for me and she. Got 2times general election as a candidate (to change Japan),i became famous as a POLITICIAN(no way),had 1album and many tours, build up Organic shop, moved to Okayama(my roots place)..and so on. She always saved our house, gave love to we staffs, and waiting for me coming back from tours.
It was easy to remember how long passed from EastJapanEarhquake by her age cause she was born in that year. She was a kind of symbol of “life” for me. A small, tiny, soft, sharp, wild, and lovely existence taught me many things.
My friends buried her body under the KAKI tree in our farm. She died in a rainy dark night alone, maybe looking for me, but now i can feel her soul in my mind, want to celebrate her eternity peace.
Thank you to all who share the memories of her.
R.I.P. Genmai


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