ティファニー・アルボードのインスタグラム(tiffanyalvord) - 5月19日 03時55分

? I fear not being enough. I fear that if people KNOW me; my flaws, my mistakes.. they won’t see me the same ? even though it’s real and what makes me me. ?‍♀️ It’s funny how we believe the lies we tell ourselves when they’re so far from the truth! ?? My truth is to own my story & bring everything to the light so I can be free & happy! “We’ve always been who we are, sometimes we just forget.” ❤️#NotAnAd #13reasonswhy #netflix -
13 Reasons Why or Guilty Party?!? AMIRITE ?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



