ニーナ・メルセデスのインスタグラム(lifewithmariza) - 5月18日 05時46分

🙅🏽Stop letting people tell you “you can’t do it” and talk you out of something you really want.
People will always try and talk you out of something they can’t do simply because if you do it then it shows they are capable. They would have to face the fact that maybe they have been making too many excuses or they are just lazy. If you want something go after it no matter what anyone says. Believe in yourself, you don’t need validation from others to accomplish what is important to you.
The best part of pushing through negativity?

The best part of overcoming those negative comments is that once you get to your goal you reach back and pull others up. Most times the people who said you couldn’t do it or talked negative about your goal will be the ones asking how. You will be an inspiration to others, you will be the light in the dark for them.
⏬Have you ever had a goal you gave up because someone talked you out of it? Share in the comments please. ⏬

When I made the decision to compete in NPC all my social media followers said “You can’t do that” I almost believed them and gave up. I decided to push through anyway. I learned to be my own cheerleader. My goal was to get on stage and prove you can do anything you put your mind to. I went on stage and won my first show I took home 3 trophies that night. In the process I was able to give so many others hope and that made the struggle worth it. I learned so much through that journey.
#life #goals #positivevibes #believe #noexcuses #fashion #hope #change #changinglives #scorpio #lifeisbeautiful


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