スミソニアン博物館のインスタグラム(smithsonian) - 4月28日 04時49分

The petals of Washington, D.C.’s famed cherry trees may have already fluttered to the ground, but you can still find blossoms in @freersackler’s extensive Japanese art collections. Flowers play an important role in Japanese art, both beautiful and symbolic.
Lotus flowers often serve as seats in Japanese Buddhist sculptures and paintings. Lotuses emerge from murky waters as colorful blossoms, making them fitting symbols of the concept of enlightenment, and the flowers even appear with fierce-looking Buddhist sculptures.
This 1293 sculpture depicts Aizen Myoo, a deity that expresses the Buddha’s wrath against evil.
Thanks for following our Instagram takeover this week! Learn more about Japanese art by visiting and following us at @freersackler, the Smithsonian’s museums of Asian art, where Asia meets America.


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