キキ・パーマーのインスタグラム(keke) - 3月18日 07時13分

Ain’t nothing like FAMILY!! I been through a lot with mine. I come from the kind of family where we a cuss eachother out still come to the wedding (late) and crying saying I love you ??‍♀️???‍♀️ this is part of my family, two generations. My first cousin Tanisha Davis on the far left and her kids surrounding us both, minus Poochie(we missed you). Funny thing is Tanisha went with my parents on their first date ?!! Anyhow, this last week I was in Chicago doing #BelieveChicago with @att!! It was all about being a boss #bossy and and we went around highlighting the positive bosses in the city of Chicago. There are a lot of beautiful things happening in Chicago, it’s about what you choose to focus on!! I of course had to highlight my big cuz, she used to do me and all my other cousins hair for free when we were young and now she’s had her own shop for two decades!!! I love you cousin and I’m proud of you ??❤️?? #yourthing


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