タロンガ動物園のインスタグラム(tarongazoo) - 11月21日 15時21分

Bakhita, a southern black rhino living at Taronga Western Plains, has given birth to a healthy male calf! He’s yet to be named, but we wanted to share this image of the young rhino, who (at 35-40kg) is one of the biggest yet to be born at the zoo. Every rhino birth is extremely important. This species is critically endangered, with only an estimated 4000 left in the wild, predominantly due to poaching for their horns. Taronga is a founding member of the International Rhino Foundation, and, in addition to our breeding conservation program, actively supports conservation efforts for wild rhinos in Africa, Indonesia and India, in areas including habitat protection, anti-poaching and the reduction of human-rhino conflict. You too can join this important conservation effort by lending your eyes and ears to the cause. Visit www.wildlifewitness.net to find out more.

#tarongawesternplains #rhino #forthewild


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