パワーハウスミュージアムのインスタグラム(powerhousemuseum) - 10月30日 16時07分

Beijing National Aquatics Centre ‘Water Cube’ construction model⠀
Made in Beijing, China, 2007.⠀

Something for a sweltering spring day in Sydney...⠀

Constructed for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, this model represents the structural and material engineering features of the ‘Water Cube’ National Aquatic Centre, Beijing, an international innovation with major contributions from Australian architects and engineers. ⠀

The model’s steel node and bubble representations mimic the geometrical archetype of foam theory as posed by Lord Kelvin in the nineteenth century, further developed by mathematicians Weaire and Phelan in the late twentieth century. ⠀

#MAASCollection #Olympics


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