パワーハウスミュージアムのインスタグラム(powerhousemuseum) - 10月18日 16時11分

Penny farthing bicycle⠀
Made in Coventry, UK, c 1885.⠀

200th Anniversary of the Bicycle – a highlight from our Collection⠀

Named after two British coins of the period, the penny farthing had a brief, but visually lasting effect on the development of the bicycle.⠀

They were difficult to mount and dismount, unstable because of their high centre of gravity, and could pitch the rider (likely dressed in a knickerbocker suit and pillbox cap) at speed over the handle bars from braking too hard, swerving or hitting small obstructions on the road. ⠀

However, they were also elegant, simple and efficient, as well as smooth and graceful to watch, and soon developed a cult following. ⠀

On display @MuseumsDiscoveryCentre, Castle Hill⠀

#MAASCollection #pennyfarthing


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