エミリー・シアーズのインスタグラム(emilysears) - 10月28日 06時29分

Beach day with @1stphorm #BCAA 💦
You don't need an expensive gym membership to get active, you literally just have to go outside! The ocean is where I recharge, and re energize, and I'm restoring my BCAA also (because the body can't produce them naturally without food or supplement) 🌊

It's great to relax and lay on the sand, but don't waste a beach day when it comes to fitness! Get in the water! Did you know swimming in the ocean burns more calories than swimming in a pool, and walking and running on sand burns more calories than on the footpath or a treadmill?
There's also benefits to getting some fresh air and clearing your head, its detoxifying. ☀️With so much pollution and crap in our environment and diets it's important to detox any way you can.
What I love about #1stphorm is that they're products are all made in a 250,000 sq ft facility and are pharmaceutical grade quality which means they're over 99.9% pure 👩🏼‍🔬
In other news, how is it still beach weather in LA, it's almost November?!
#iam1stphorm #bcaa #legionofboom #beach #fitness #swimming


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