ニューヨーク近代美術館のインスタグラム(themuseumofmodernart) - 9月7日 23時28分

#tbt to 1944, when MoMA turned its attention to the field of clothing design with guest curator Bernard Rudofsky’s provocative “Are Clothes Modern?” The exhibition was staged in the waning days of WWII, in the midst of a shift in American traditions—both in the social sphere and in the realm of clothing, which had been significantly affected by material constraints imposed by the war. Rudofsky explored mid-century society’s relationship with clothing, seeking to disentangle the psychological power of fashion fads from the commercial apparatus creating these seductive consumer phenomena. As an architect and designer, he advocated for clothing that fit the individual, rather than the individual fitting the design. Although this popular exhibition was not intended to advance any specific “dress reform,” it nonetheless argued for an individually driven, rather than socially dictated, approach to clothing.
Beginning October 1, 2017, MoMA builds on the spirit of “Are Clothes Modern?” with the exhibition “Items: Is Fashion Modern?,” which explores the past, present, and future of 111 iconic items, such as the white T-shirt. See installation views of the original 1944 exhibition and more at mo.ma/52exhibitions. 52 of #52exhibitions #MoMAhistory #ItemsMoMA


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