アリソン・ピルのインスタグラム(msalisonpill) - 6月18日 02時00分

#Repost @dopequeenpheebs (@get_repost)
If you're like me, the news of police officer Jeronimo Yanez being acquitted of all charges in the murder of Philando Castile is beyond devastating. My heart breaks for the family. But one way to not feel completely helpless is to donate to the Philando Castile Scholarship, which will use the money raised and give it to graduates of J.J. Hill Elementary School, who go on to pursue post-secondary educational opportunities. It's a great cause for a life taken too soon. Whatever you can donate will mean the world. You can make donations at aalftc.org/philando-castile-scholarship-donation. Tip: the website is a little wonky in Safari, but if you open it up in Chrome, your donation will go through without a hitch. Thanks! #RIP #PhilandoCastile


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