アリソン・ピルのインスタグラム(msalisonpill) - 5月25日 03時35分

You guys. I really think we need a lower cap on the mortgage interest deduction. I'm not even saying get rid of it, just cap it. And then fund affordable housing. As everyone gets angry about proposed budgets and tax cuts, or the deficit and inequality, this is one glaring example of an entitlement (by another name) that needs reform. The New York Times did a story a couple of weeks ago. Basically, we're subsidizing wealthy, coastal home owners and their mortgages. And it's EXPENSIVE. This isn't social security, or Medicaid. And it doesn't have to hit the middle class if the cap is right. This will help close budget gaps. This will begin to adjust for the legacy of redlining. This seems like a possible bipartisan thing here, that can appeal to everyone if it's explained right and the real estate lobby doesn't stymie it. So will you take five minutes and look into it? And consider calling some reps? Everything is nuts, but here's a place where we might do some good. Thank you! #mortgageinterestdeduction #MIDreform #iswearitsexciting


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