大塚良子のインスタグラム(ryokokonami) - 6月17日 06時37分

Wollfgang Tillmans is one of the reasons I got into photopraphy. His photos shows delicate beauty in ordinary life.
At first I though that was just beautiful his abstract work. However, these were the works that started in 1997 when he lost his lover to AIDS. there is a sentimental meaning to the these photos of his lover that he presented in the past and rebuilt them into different works.
〝The abstract photograph which was born to copy things not existent in this world is a slowing of expression. it's also the ultimate of nostalgia that trying to copy things that existded but now doesn't exist〟both the past and the present , any human and things exist equally in this world and their value is found by what we project seeing the work. I have come to like his work more and more.
過去も現在もどんな人間も事物もこの世に等しく存在し、それらの価値は作品を観る私たちがそこに何を投影するかによって見出される。 作者の意図を知って尚更に愛着が湧きます。#わたしの写真備忘録
#wolfgangtillmans #AbstractLover


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