サラ・バレリスのインスタグラム(sarabareilles) - 6月3日 00時00分

23 kids from Fortuna High, (a neighboring town to Eureka) added on a trip to NYC to their DC history trip and came to see Waitress. (Amazing teachers! Thank you!) They wanted to tell me about how their moms graduated with me (I'm old) and where they saw my mom shopping (thrift store: go mom!). They asked me what I missed about Humboldt, and I answered with my first thought of the great sequoias and natural beauty, but in reflecting more, I wish I would have just said "the people". My family of course, my parents, sister, aunts and uncles...but the sweet small town and rich community of wonderful people who shaped my world view and remain unwaveringly encouraging and celebratory. We are all proud of what comes from our neck of the woods. They make me feel loved and supported and I am forever grateful to my home. ❤️??#humboldtcountygirl


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