??韓国の海苔巻きキンパの作り方をご紹介します。 ご飯には酢飯を使わず、塩とごま油で作るので簡単に作れます。いろいろな野菜を入れてヘルシーな海苔巻きを楽しんでみてください?。 紫蘇を入れて風味豊かな海苔巻きになっておいしいですよ♪ 《材料  4本分》 ・人参…75g(1/2本) ・きゅうり…125g(1本) ・ほうれん草…90g(4束) ・もやし…80g ・油揚げ…1枚 ・炊いたお米…2合 ・塩…2つまみ〜(野菜・お米にそれぞれ入れる) ・ごま油…小さじ1〜(野菜・お米にそれぞれ入れる) ・ゴマ…適量 ・海苔…4枚 ・りんご…1/4個 (・紫蘇…適量) a味噌…大さじ1 a豆板醤…小さじ1/2 aごま油…小さじ1 《作り方》 <1>人参は千切り、きゅうりは薄切り、ほうれん草はザク切りに切っておく。 <2><1>で薄切りにしたきゅうりを塩とごま油で合わせ揉んでおく。 <3>油揚げを縦長に1cm幅くらいの大きさに切り、<1>で切っておいた人参・ほうれん草と一緒に茹でる。 <4><3>で茹でた材料をそれぞれ塩とごま油で味付ける。 <5>熱湯に塩を入れ、もやしを茹でる。 <6>りんごをすりおろし、aの材料を合わせ、茹でたもやしと和える。 <7>炊いたお米に塩、ごま油、ごまを入れ混ぜておく。 <8>ラップに海苔をのせ<7>を全体に薄く広げていく。 <9><8>に味付け済みの<2><4><6>を並べ、巻いていく。 <10>7~8等分くらいにカットし、ラップをはずして完成。 This week's recipe is for kimbap: Korean style sushi rolls. Kimbap uses salt and sesame oil to season the rice instead of vinegar in Japanese sushi. Experiment with any variety of your favorite vegetables. Shiso leaves are particularly tasty so we hope you give it a try! Ingredients ・75g (or 1/2) carrot ・125g (or 1) cucumber ・90g(4bunches)spinach ・80g bean sprout ・1 abura-age (deep fried tofu) ・2 gō (approx. 660g) steamed rice ・2 pinches (or more) salt, to season rice and vegetables. ・1 tsp (or more) sesame oil, to season rice and vegetables. ・Sesame, to taste ・4 sheets nori seaweed ・1/4 apple ・Shiso, to taste (not shown in video) (a) 1 tbsp miso (a) 1/2 tsp chili bean paste (a) 1 tsp sesame oil Directions 1. Julienne carrots, thinly slice cucumbers, and cut spinach into chunks. 2. Add salt and sesame oil to cucumbers. Mix together with your hand, squeezing lightly. 3. Cut abura-age lengthwise about 1cm wide. Cook in boiling water along with carrots and spinach. 4. Season cooked abura-age, carrots, and spinach with salt and sesame oil. 5. Boil bean sprouts. 6. Grate apple and add ingredients (a). Mix well with cooked bean sprouts. 7. Add salt and sesame oil to steamed rice and mix. 8. Place a sheet of seaweed on plastic wrap, and spread the rice on the seaweed evenly. 9. Carefully place all seasoned ingredients on the rice and wrap into a roll. 10. Cut into 7~8 slices, remove plastic wrap. #food #recipe #instacook #cooking #homemade #yum #delish #tokyo #kimbap #koreanfood #レシピ #料理 #ランチ #ごはん #おうちごはん #ビデリシャス #キンパ #韓国

videliciousnessさん(@videliciousness)が投稿した動画 -

ビデリシャス -おいしい動画-のインスタグラム(videliciousness) - 2月2日 11時09分


《材料  4本分》

This week's recipe is for kimbap: Korean style sushi rolls.
Kimbap uses salt and sesame oil to season the rice instead of vinegar in Japanese sushi. Experiment with any variety of your favorite vegetables. Shiso leaves are particularly tasty so we hope you give it a try!

・75g (or 1/2) carrot
・125g (or 1) cucumber
・80g bean sprout
・1 abura-age (deep fried tofu)
・2 gō (approx. 660g) steamed rice
・2 pinches (or more) salt, to season rice and vegetables.
・1 tsp (or more) sesame oil, to season rice and vegetables.
・Sesame, to taste
・4 sheets nori seaweed
・1/4 apple
・Shiso, to taste (not shown in video) (a) 1 tbsp miso (a) 1/2 tsp chili bean paste
(a) 1 tsp sesame oil

1. Julienne carrots, thinly slice cucumbers, and cut spinach into chunks.
2. Add salt and sesame oil to cucumbers. Mix together with your hand, squeezing lightly.
3. Cut abura-age lengthwise about 1cm wide. Cook in boiling water along with carrots and spinach.
4. Season cooked abura-age, carrots, and spinach with salt and sesame oil.
5. Boil bean sprouts.
6. Grate apple and add ingredients (a). Mix well with cooked bean sprouts.
7. Add salt and sesame oil to steamed rice and mix.
8. Place a sheet of seaweed on plastic wrap, and spread the rice on the seaweed evenly.
9. Carefully place all seasoned ingredients on the rice and wrap into a roll.
10. Cut into 7~8 slices, remove plastic wrap.

#food #recipe #instacook #cooking #homemade #yum #delish #tokyo #kimbap #koreanfood
#レシピ #料理 #ランチ #ごはん #おうちごはん #ビデリシャス #キンパ #韓国


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