ローワン・ブランチャードのインスタグラム(rowanblanchard) - 11月25日 04時32分

By @land_boys ? today, millions of Americans will be celebrating with their families, not having to worry or even think to be grateful for the water on their table, warm homes if it's cold, and knowing their homes will stay their homes tomorrow --- today, in Standing Rock, Native Americans are literally fighting for their lives- they don't get to take a day off to celebrate with their families. We call them Protectors and not protestors, because they are protecting rights to their land and a human right to clean water. This is a day where whether we realize it or not- we celebrate the ongoing genocide of Native Americans. What's happening at Standing Rock is not new. Link to an easy to navigate website in my bio of places to donate to, email, and call. Do your part. ?


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