ローワン・ブランチャードのインスタグラム(rowanblanchard) - 11月23日 10時24分

Beautiful video by @bardiazeinali ?
I post often about issues regarding social justice for all different types of causes and all different groups of people, so at this point I am used to receiving all kinds of hateful comments/backlash/people telling me my opinion shouldn't be valid anyway because of my age/the occasional and carefully crafted "TRUMP!" on my page... But what I cannot understand, regardless of political opinion, is how you could willingly deny somebody's right to life. Of course the Dakota Access Pipeline is fueled with an American historic erasure of Native Americans, of course it's filled with historic colonialism, of course it has to do with the historic neglecting of people of color in this country... But regardless if you still can't see and understand that- this is about a right to have clean water. This is about life. How can you deny someone that? Link to donate in my bio. If you cannot donate, please visit @amystrozzi's page for info about how you can help otherwise.


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