ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 8月31日 04時18分

@jeremymlange photographed these empty sweet potato crates at Vick Family Farms in North Carolina. The Vick family built this packing plant after the nearby city of Wilson agreed early last year to bring its municipal broadband service to the 7,000-acre farm. Using ultrafast internet, potatoes are tagged with online bar codes that detail where they grew, their type of seed, and the date and time they were picked. Then, 50 flashing cameras capture and send images of the spuds to an online program that sorts the Carolina Golds by their size and quality and kicks them into boxes. Since the plant opened in October, the farm’s production and sales to Europe have jumped. But now, a legal battle between state and federal officials over municipal high-speed internet providers — which often serve households and businesses where commercial cable and telecom firms have been unwilling to go — may leave Vick Family Farms and hundreds of other customers in the eastern region of North Carolina unplugged. “We’re very worried because there is no way we could run this equipment on the internet service we used to have,” said Charlotte Vick, head of sales for the farm. “We can’t imagine the loss we’ll have to the business.” #?


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