ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 7月3日 06時31分

Mountains shoot up abruptly from a peaceful valley and its shining river at Oxbow Bend in Grand Teton National Park (@grandtetonnps). “The Tetons meant waking up to my parents drinking cowboy coffee from tin camping mugs,” writes the novelist Kate Christensen, the author of “The Great Man” and “Blue Plate Special.” “It meant sitting by the campfire at night on stumps, singing, telling stories, watching fiery sparks soar up to the stars.” In anticipation of the @nationalparkservice's 100th birthday in August, @nytimestravel asked 5 writers to recount times when a national park left a mark on their lives. For Kate, the #Tetons, pictured here by @clydebutcher, meant a time when her parents were still together, her family still intact. “‘Remember the Tetons?’ I’d say to my sisters, or they’d say to me,” Kate writes. “It was shorthand: What we meant was, ‘Remember our romantic, Edenic early childhood?’ ” This #4thofJuly weekend, follow us on a #roadtrip through the national parks, as seen through the eyes of @clydebutcher. #NPS100


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