シャンテル・ヴァンサンテンのインスタグラム(therealshantel) - 4月16日 13時58分

As I close my eyes tonight and prepare for an amazing @lungforce event tomorrow... I KNOW this is the same proud face Doris is making now!! This was the day after my grandmothers lung cancer removal surgery. She was the toughest they came and always positive, as you can see. She may have lost her fight to lung cancer but we carry on the fight in her honor. Cancer has not and WILL not win. Because of each one of your generous donations we SURPASSED the impossible (or so I thought) goal! I lay here completely overwhelmed with gratitude and in awe of what we did!!! Tomorrow I stand proud of Team DD who it honors, who stands beside me, who stands with me... WE made a difference! Thank you with all my heart. Thank you!! #TeamDD #lungforce #Fcancer


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




