アメリカ自然史博物館のインスタグラム(amnh) - 12月12日 02時44分

Happy #FossilFriday! Stegosaurus is a dinosaur that lived about 150 million years ago, ate plants, and weighed roughly 2 tons. The family of dinosaurs known as stegosaurs are well known for the two rows of bony plates along their backs. Researchers once thought these plates helped protect the animal from attack. But the numerous grooves visible on some Stegosaurus plates provide evidence that blood vessels once crisscrossed the surface of the bone. Any wound to the plate would have bled considerably, making it unlikely that such plates were used to protect the animals. Instead, the plates, which were covered in skin, may have helped to regulate body temperature, or may have been brightly colored and used in dramatic courtship displays.
See this fossil in the Museum’s Hall of Ornithischian Dinosaurs.


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