National Geographic Travelのインスタグラム(natgeotravel) - 12月12日 01時59分

I tell ya what, my shadow gets around. He's one world class traveling shadow. I have an entire collection of my shadow in different places...such as this one here in Monument Valley, Utah. My shadow has appeared in photos in Iceland, Namibia, Chile...and a zillion other places. He's been to the far reaches of the Earth...from above the Arctic circle dancing beneath the Northern Lights, all the way down to Antarctica with the iceberg and penguins. He's made photographic appearances overlooking Machu Picchu, on remote islands of Tonga, and at the top of the Julian Alps in Slovenia. Shadow, you are one cool dude and I am so thankful to be stuck with you. Keep on showing up in cool spots and I'll keep on taking your portrait. // photo by @jonathan_irish


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Aria Alexanderのインスタグラム
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