ニューヨーク近代美術館のインスタグラム(themuseumofmodernart) - 7月18日 01時23分

"Few beehives can boast to being in such good company—works by Henri Matisse, Henry Moore, Pablo Picasso, and other great artists are the immediate neighbors to these tens of thousands of honeybees. Yoko Ono has even stopped by to greet them. They are happy bees indeed." Read an interview with beekeeper Andrew Coté, who installed a live colony of bees as part of Pierre Huyghe's "Untilled," on view now in the #MoMAGarden and via live stream today only (link in profile). #MoMABees #? #?[Beekeeper Andrew Coté checks on the hive daily. Shown: Pierre Huyghe. "Untilled (Liegender Frauenakt)" [Reclining female nude]. 2012. Concrete with beehive structure, wax, and live bee colony. The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Purchase. © 2015 Pierre Huyghe. Photo: New York City Beekeepers Association]


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