ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 7月14日 07時43分

Photo by Stephanie Sinclair @stephsinclairpix. Portrait of Veda, 19, with her daughter Serena, 2, from my story in the Feb. 2010 National Geographic magazine.
Today we published the final story from the @NatGeoYourShot 's "Mother and Child" assignment. Please take a look: http://bit.ly/1Jen0Pd I'm confident you will be inspired and even transported into the intimate worlds of the people and animals our participants captured. For each assignment, photographers from around the world have three weeks to submit images online on a specific theme chosen by the editor. I encourage all the aspiring image makers out there to participate in this community and submit images to these bimonthly assignments. It is a wonderful and educational experience for all involved.
To see additional images, please check out my nonprofit's @tooyoungtowed feed, where we are showcasing images from the "Mother and Child" assignment that coincide with our mission to protect girls rights and end child marriage using the power of visual storytelling.


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