(scroll down for English post) 広島へはいつも仕事で来るので本番前に行くと歌が歌えなくなるんじゃないかといつも行くの控えてたんですが、朝目覚めてTVつけたら被爆70周年の特集やってるの観てふと自分の中で何かこの場所へ今行かねば!と思い、昨日約10年ぶりに原爆ドーム、資料館まで行ってきました。 この地の人々の苦しみや哀しみをドーム目前にして改めて思うと涙が止まらなかった。ドームの先には近代化したきれいな高層ビルが立ち並ぶ景色を見ながら「平和」を壊すのも保ち続けるのも「人」。国対国の間で始まる争いは何故「言葉」だけの争いで終えれないのか?色々考えさせられました。「人」が支えている「国」。と言う事は結局「国対国」では無く、「人と人との繋がり」が大事なんだなと思いました。何か重要な事が出来るわけでもない今の自分は「PEACE」と言う事の宝物に貢献するとしたら2度とこんな恐ろしい悲劇をおこさないように祈る事、そして色んな国の人達とその違う文化と意見が合わなかったとしても理解する努力を続けて行く事だなと思わされた貴重な時間でした。Thank u #Hiroshima!! #neverforget #gonebutnotforgotten I don't post long posts like this usually but I had the opportunity of visiting the A-bomb site in Hiroshima yesterday before our show and wanted to share my thoughts. I've been to this city many times b4, usually for work, but I hadn't been to the site in over 10yrs out of fear that I may not b able to sing after seeing what I knew was there. As predicted, I was In tears while I walked thru the museum and the dome. But visiting this site for the first time in over 10 yrs reminded me of how important it is that we keep hope alive for peace in this world. The ppl of the city of #hiroshima suffered tremendously. It's been 70yrs since the atomic bomb was dropped, and just past the dome, u c the high rises and the beautiful modern city that is Hiroshima today, but when u walk past the dome, feelings of sadness and suffering overcomes u. Human beings have the power to make or break "peace". We have the choice of either choosing to hate or love. I thot about what our world looks like now, 70yrs from when this city in Japan suffered, and now I c a peaceful city, but I know there r so many that r suffering in war, senseless war, that only breeds more hate. I continue to pray for peace in this universe, but I'm determined even more to always keep hope alive in my heart and instead of being in conflict with one another, try to love and care for each other. #peace #whatdoesitmeantou? #hiroshima

divafreshyuriさん(@divafreshyuri)が投稿した動画 -

YURIのインスタグラム(divafreshyuri) - 6月14日 13時11分

(scroll down for English post)


この地の人々の苦しみや哀しみをドーム目前にして改めて思うと涙が止まらなかった。ドームの先には近代化したきれいな高層ビルが立ち並ぶ景色を見ながら「平和」を壊すのも保ち続けるのも「人」。国対国の間で始まる争いは何故「言葉」だけの争いで終えれないのか?色々考えさせられました。「人」が支えている「国」。と言う事は結局「国対国」では無く、「人と人との繋がり」が大事なんだなと思いました。何か重要な事が出来るわけでもない今の自分は「PEACE」と言う事の宝物に貢献するとしたら2度とこんな恐ろしい悲劇をおこさないように祈る事、そして色んな国の人達とその違う文化と意見が合わなかったとしても理解する努力を続けて行く事だなと思わされた貴重な時間でした。Thank u #Hiroshima!! #neverforget #gonebutnotforgotten

I don't post long posts like this usually but I had the opportunity of visiting the A-bomb site in Hiroshima yesterday before our show and wanted to share my thoughts.
I've been to this city many times b4, usually for work, but I hadn't been to the site in over 10yrs out of fear that I may not b able to sing after seeing what I knew was there. As predicted, I was In tears while I walked thru the museum and the dome. But visiting this site for the first time in over 10 yrs reminded me of how important it is that we keep hope alive for peace in this world. The ppl of the city of #hiroshima suffered tremendously.
It's been 70yrs since the atomic bomb was dropped, and just past the dome, u c the high rises and the beautiful modern city that is Hiroshima today, but when u walk past the dome, feelings of sadness and suffering overcomes u. Human beings have the power to make or break "peace". We have the choice of either choosing to hate or love. I thot about what our world looks like now, 70yrs from when this city in Japan suffered, and now I c a peaceful city, but I know there r so many that r suffering in war, senseless war, that only breeds more hate. I continue to pray for peace in this universe, but I'm determined even more to always keep hope alive in my heart and instead of being in conflict with one another, try to love and care for each other. #peace #whatdoesitmeantou? #hiroshima


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




