キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 5月24日 20時36分

Your body is the spiritual home of your consciousness, it is perfect, beautiful and blessed. The only thing missing is for you to realize that. We would never have any problem celebrating all the shapes and sizes in the amazing diversity in nature, but when it's our bodies we can be so cruelly harsh. Today's Yogi's Assignment is Love Your Body. Carve out time to consciously love, honor and celebrate your body. Treat your body to a nice hot bath, a massage or some other ritual that expresses nurturance. Or nourish your body by eating really good high quality foods today. Or, take time to appreciate your body by standing in front of the mirror and pointing out things that you love about your body. If you're brave enough share those thoughts in a post or snap. Today I am celebrating my shortness. I used to feel so self consciousness about being small, I dreamed of being taller, would stuff myself into tortuously high heels. Even today someone left me a comment in my last post that they thought I should be taller after all the stretching yoga--sorry to disappoint but I am loving, sharing and celebrating my 5'2 smallness today. What are you celebrating, embracing and nourishing about your body today? #loveyourbody #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime Photo by my student @d.kole #YogiAssignment


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