キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 5月24日 05時15分

When I started the practice a teacher told me that my legs were too big to ever lift up into a handstand or jump back. I almost believed her. Thankfully Guruji believed in me and pushed me to be stronger. A student in my workshop this weekend told me that a teacher told her she was too overweight to do the Ashtanga practice and she should come back after she lost some weight. That is so upsetting to me! Partly because I am personally sensitive to being told you don't have the right shape for the practice based on my past. But mostly because that goes against everything I believe and everything I ever heard my teacher say about the Ashtanga method. Guruji always said this practice is for everyone regardless of age, shape, size, gender, country..... The only person Guruji said couldn't practice was the lazy person because that person doesn't get on their mat and do the practice. You don't need to be some particular shape to practice, you don't need to be strong or flexible to practice, all you need is the willingness to get on your mat and try! And as teachers I believe we need to encourage people to practice, to share the attitude of accepting and appreciating our bodies as the vehicle for the practice. #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime If you're following me on snapchat you've already my rant about this. I guess you know who I am forgiving today as my yogi assignment.


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