キーシャ・エップスのインスタグラム(lovekeishaepps) - 3月5日 02時35分

Life has a VERY karmic way of giving.You receive what you put out,you become what you think.Try for 7 DAYS to not speak negatively about anyone,receive negative gossip, throw shade,listen to someone throw shade.You'll discover either two things or both of the two.MOST of your time is spent concerning yourself with other people's biz instead of your OWN.
2.You clear the pathway to the blessings that were meant for you.You'll experience the difference.Misery has to have a host to feed off to exist.What we forget is that the spirit is ALIVE.What we feed it,is what will exist.DON'T CHOOSE YOUR PATH,....WALK IT. #EnergyIsReal #DontSleep


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