シェイン・ビットニー・クロンのインスタグラム(shanebitneycrone) - 1月17日 11時09分

Today has become very bittersweet. First, the United States Supreme Court decided to take up four cases challenging state bans on same-sex marriage rights. It is most likely that the Court will rule in favor of equal rights, bringing marriage equality nationwide. A few hours later, however, I learned of the horrific, gut-wrenching news that two gay men were thrown from a building, to their deaths, by members of ISIS. ---------------------------------- I try to post uplifting news stories and images but I also believe in the importance of highlighting injustices that occur around the world. As hard as it can be to live as a gay man in the U.S., it is sometimes easy to forget how much harder it is for LGBT people in other parts of the world. My heart breaks for the victims and their families and my thoughts go out to everyone affected by this tragic event. ---------------------------------- Today has made me grateful for recent progress but mindful that we still have far to go as a global community.


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