ジェイ・ショーンのインスタグラム(jaysean) - 12月14日 09時54分

My little girl is 1yrs old today. Ayva you're not old enough to read this let alone understand how much I love you. But one day you will be. And then, you will be able to see the unbelievable amount of joy, light, happiness and life you have given me. It's very hard to express in words what you mean to me- but I think In like 17 years any boy that dares break your heart will find out ??? don't mess with dad ? ?. You are my purpose in life. It's funny the things you couldn't imagine "changing for" or adapting to..for example, I'm not a morning person but there isn't a single time where waking up to you giggling as you pull my eyelashes at 6am, gets tiring or old. No amounts of peekaboo get tiring if it means you'll laugh every single time. I love you to pieces, and the love you've already shown me makes me putty in your hands and I know it. (When UR old enough to read this tho Ayvs, don't think I won't know that you're gon use that against me to get your way ?? "daddy why can't I get a real life tiger cub - Rememeber UR instagram post...????) Happy BDAY little one, I love you more than i'll ever be able to show you, but I'll spend every day trying to be the best pops you could ever want.


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