エリック・ベネイのインスタグラム(ericbenet) - 11月26日 00時25分

#Repost @sandee_dixon with @repostapp.
#missionsaveher my mouth isn't covered because I want to help to be a voice for the women that don't have a voice to speak about what is happening to them!!! Join the fight for #women all over the world. Show your support for human trafficking, domestic violence, and the rape and murder of women worldwide!! Write the words "Save Her" on your palms it where ever you want and post your pic along with the #missionsaveher
This is not an isolated thing it's happening everywhere!! Are you up for the challenge? Go to @mission_save_her on Instagram for more info or to make a donation #saveher #helpingwomen #strength in numbers # xtended_glam


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