National Geographic Travelのインスタグラム(natgeotravel) - 11月1日 22時02分

It isn’t supposed to be this easy. Less than 10 minutes into our safari, the jeep comes to a screeching halt. Our guide looks at a spot on the road. “A fresh kill,” he exclaims, searching for the killer. “Got her, one o’clock”, he says. He quickly puts the jeep in gear and tells us to hang on. After 50 meters we stop and there she is–stretched and relaxed along a rocky ledge, as striking and majestic as we imagined, seemingly unaware of her new admirers. We have come to India to see a tiger in the wild and the dream has been realized before we are even settled in our new surroundings. Taken in Ranthambhore National Park. Photo by @awc007

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