アグネス・モニカのインスタグラム(agnezmo) - 10月13日 08時42分

I surrender all to You... Everything I give to You... Lord, thank You for molding me to become who I am right now....and who I am becoming. I'm a work in progress and I'm walking this journey with You. Thank You for not "spoiling" me; that You've let me face my problems so I'd grow mentally and spiritually; but You still held my hands every step of the way and showed me that I am NEVER ALONE. I can't thank You enough... I love You Lord. In all my struggles, I always knew and believed that I was just one step closer to what you have in store for me...that's why I was smiling and being grateful regardless. And you've proven me EXACTLY that and more. You gave me everything I could ever hope for AND MORE. In my happiness, I'm grateful and shouting YOUR NAME so everyone will know that all that I have come from You...and only YOU. I love You, Lord Jesus... You are my Lord and Father. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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