ゲームのインスタグラム(losangelesconfidential) - 9月1日 03時50分

#Day4 Just keeping it light this morning.... Egg whites, turkey bacon & water. 4 those who been with me the 1st 4 days, keep with it..... We are not waiting til Monday cause it's the start of a new week or til New Years cause you everyone else is starting their new workout regimen they know they ass gone quit a week later..... Start NOW !!! I'm not consuming any other liquids except water until January 1st 2015 & eating as light & healthy as possible while working out everyday. You don't have to be as disciplined as me..... Just do what you can & as long as your doing something you'll see results. For those who are on what I'm..... Let's fucking GO !!!!! We only get ONE body, now let's make it as perfect as possible. @60daysoffitness


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