#whptodayimet today I met Azdin! Two facts: 1. I usually never get grilled corn, because I don't like how they do it here in italy, the corn is too dry. I like the way they do it in #Iran, we call it Balal. 2. I am usually today too shy to start conversatipns with strangers, but I smelled the grilled corns and heard the laughters of people around Azdin as they chatted with him I decided to get me a darn corn and discover why everybody likes being around him. To my pleasure the corn was amazing (still have bits of between my teeth) and Azdin was super friendly so he compensated for my shyness. He comes from Morocco, he has spent 4 years working in Greece and Turkey before he came to #Italy 3 years ago. He lives in Rome's center and he works in pizzerias, in small markets and now during the summer he sells grilled corn on the Ostia beach near #Rome. But he wasn't very happy about work this year, he said there's little work and that little work is "in nero", as in black, no papers. As another immigrant I immidiately understood the big, essenzial problem; no legal work contract means no residence permission, so he needs to whatever he can to have at least 20 hrs/week of legal work in order to renew his "permesso di soggiorno" or he will be sent back to Morocco, where he hasn't returned since he first desereted. He said he loves Rome although it's a tough city, and at the end he was the one wishing me good luck. Good luck to you Azdin. @instagram #labnoon

labnoonさん(@labnoon)が投稿した動画 -

Saghar Setarehのインスタグラム(labnoon) - 8月18日 02時50分

#whptodayimet today I met Azdin! Two facts: 1. I usually never get grilled corn, because I don't like how they do it here in italy, the corn is too dry. I like the way they do it in #Iran, we call it Balal. 2. I am usually today too shy to start conversatipns with strangers, but I smelled the grilled corns and heard the laughters of people around Azdin as they chatted with him I decided to get me a darn corn and discover why everybody likes being around him. To my pleasure the corn was amazing (still have bits of between my teeth) and Azdin was super friendly so he compensated for my shyness. He comes from Morocco, he has spent 4 years working in Greece and Turkey before he came to #Italy 3 years ago. He lives in Rome's center and he works in pizzerias, in small markets and now during the summer he sells grilled corn on the Ostia beach near #Rome. But he wasn't very happy about work this year, he said there's little work and that little work is "in nero", as in black, no papers. As another immigrant I immidiately understood the big, essenzial problem; no legal work contract means no residence permission, so he needs to whatever he can to have at least 20 hrs/week of legal work in order to renew his "permesso di soggiorno" or he will be sent back to Morocco, where he hasn't returned since he first desereted. He said he loves Rome although it's a tough city, and at the end he was the one wishing me good luck. Good luck to you Azdin.
@Instagram #labnoon


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