キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 12月21日 13時38分

On my first trip to India more than fourteen years ago I was surprised by all animals on the streets of Mysore. Now it’s one of the things that I love most about India. I hope this never changes no matter how much technological progress comes to India. Not just cows like this one, walking freely through an outdoor cafe, but monkeys, dogs, cats, horses, pigs, roosters, turkeys and anything else that moves and breathes sharing the streets of even the busiest cities with everyone! When the cafe workers saw us looking at this cow, they said “Cow is friend” and gave her a pat on the back. I love animals so much and I think that all beings are worthy of our respect. I’m vegetarian because it breaks my heart to think that I would contribute to their suffering. It might not be the right choice for everyone, but it is for me.  #Mysore #India #Cows #Animals #LoveAnimals #vegetarian #KinoYoga


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