テイラーRのインスタグラム(taytay_xx) - 6月29日 11時20分

4 things I now do differently 💁🏼‍♀️
1. Before I was too lazy to dry my hair so I’d just sleep on a towel, but going to bed with wet hair is a big NO in Chinese culture as they say it invites dampness into the body leading to headaches and other ailments. After doing more research I found hair is most weak when it’s wet, putting it more at risk for breakage/hair loss when you’re tossing around your pillow. Also, a damp scalp is a great place for fungal problems and skin infections. Either way it’s a no now for me.
2. Chopsticks for snacks keep your hands clean and free to change the channel, scroll on your phone, game, etc. This change makes so much sense!
3. The best rice is washed then mixed with one knuckle high more of water in a rice cooker. So much easier!
4. In North America (or at least in my home) an open bathroom door means it’s free for someone to use. However, in Chinese culture an open bathroom door is bad fung shui because it allows the good energy of your home to flow down the drain. My husband is especially particular about this at night- he has has to close the door or he can’t sleep. He says it’s also healthier to keep the dampness/germs/any smells closed off.


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