グレタ・トゥーンベリのインスタグラム(gretathunberg) - 4月14日 20時39分

Climate strike week 243. Today I’m striking outside Sweden’s Representation in the EU, in Brussels. My home country Sweden currently holds the presidency of the Council of the EU. Next week ministers will gather in Sweden to discuss forestry, among other things. The Swedish forestry model has been proven to be disastrous for both the climate, environment and Sámi indigenous- and human rights. We cannot let Sweden further impact the EU’s forest policies.

Sweden’s ever expanding forestry has been criticised by the scientific community, indigenous Sámi villages as well as the climate- and environmental movement. The country and its industries often claim that we have record amount of forests, but while we do have many trees in plantations aimed to be cut down, monocultural plantations are not forests. We are losing the last remaining natural forests, which are invaluable for carbon sinks, biodiversity and indigenous people in Sápmi.
We desperately need to #StopExpansionStartRestoration . #ClimateStrike #FridaysForFuture #ForestsAreNotRenewable


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